Sunday 27 December 2015

Recently I got no time on writing  yes perhaps this semester was a bit chaos and tons with programs, assignments , everyday full with classes and no time for leisure. Alhamdulillah after all, i do managed to fly away from this hectic life for about 5days. Its very best day of my life laah.. haha

Ok today i gonna talk and write about my experience travel to Perth Australia.

here the summary and lets me show you some of the place i have visited.


this photo was taken at the Perth International Airport. I am quite excited, Yes them too.

introduction my twins Nurul Aisha Binti Ramli from Medical Lab Technology.We are here together like belangkas. Of course the taste bud and appetite still the same " KUAT MAKAN".

At THE CARVERSHAM WILDLIFE PARK where you can actually be close as close as possible with kangaroos there. but dont try to touch their so call pocket , i just dont remember what that called.
Australian love short name, so they call its as a ROO not kangaroo.

The weather is cold yet very sunny in the morning.

I have met the KOALA'S . Excitedly speaking they are sleepy for 17hour per day. Sadly speaking, they  are sleeping while taking this picture. But they are so cute yet adorable . Just in love.


This is another type of animals that i look for. Damn so cute. They are attached to each other while i taking picture.They scared to people and yet so cute to be touch. The furry little sheep are shy.

On the evening, we got chance to look around and walk around through Perth City.
the sky blue and the cloud smoothly spread out. A very calmly city .

This place called as Stirling Gardens.  Beautiful Garden with lots of flowers. I guess if i bring mom here, she would petik bunga dan bawak balik buat benih. Haha when im here , memang teringat dkt mak yg suka bunga. The environment was beautiful and clean. You actually can lied down and read a book and have a cup of coffee gtuu.. 

In front of the Supreme Court of Western Australia. This building was huge and was build in 18's something. Forgive me i forgot about the exact year it was built.just look at the flowers , so beautiful and fresh. Gerammmmmm.

Some of the trips members. Im the oldest but hey still looked much younger. haha 

University of Western Australia

Im at the hall where graduation will be held. At the time i was here, they are having final examination hence the hall will be an examination hall .

beautiful place. THIS IS  A LIBRARY

Joondalup Central Park right beside the UWA

taking a break and perform solat at the park. I was a very peaceful park and yes it is clean.
solat was easier here. 

chills out with variety of birds beside me.

stayed at the Malaysia Hall Perth . The service was good and not so expensive compared to hotels.

Community Service at Ar Rukun Mosque. Have fun cooking, chatting and ramah mesra with muslim resident here which are actually from malaysia , singapore  indonesia thailand and also the Arab country.

Kings Park and Botanic Garden

Barbeque is a must for Australian. So we have it. Delicious food prepared by an unknown dermawan Alhamdulillah terima kasih ya Allah ,Moga Dimurahkan Rezeki baginya.

the view was superb . Im at the peak of the garden where the view of whole Perth are seen .


Fremantle Central Market

traveled via public transport so called TransPerth

my junior, doesnt bother.haha

Fish and chips was good. mesti nak lagi tapi sumpah tak habis sbb kenyang.

wear Baju Kurung on my last day was a bit rare but this is very comfortable for me. 

Fremantle Beach

a wonbat. An animal which only be found in Australian. As i googled , a wonbat on real wasnt that cute.The smell horrible enough.

Very hot day there, dont forget to wear sunblock cream or BB cream or what ever cream  you have. unfortunately the bus that we rent has a little amount of air conditional spread through out this journey.Aduh selak baju selak tdung haha.

trip members

In a nut shell, i only can say Alhamdulillah for this opportunity to be here. Nothing that i could share. Just the memories remind in my mind as i keep think about it.

here i attached my lol gila punya video haha.Hope you like it

My love to Australia
11 Oktober -15 Oktober 2015

Sunday 12 April 2015

Sejarah di Red Zone, Emergency Department Hospital Ampang
Januari 2015

"ten,, nine,,,eight,, seven,, six,, five,, four,, three,, two ,, one"
staff nurse memyebut satu per satu
masa dihentikan, dikira nadi
tidak dijumpai
cpr lagi kali ini
kini giliran aku yg menganti
debar dijantung ALLAH saja yg tahu
fikir hanya satu
patient dah tak sedarkan diri
staff kiri dan kanan bersedia untuk take turn cpr
specialist membaca chest rhythm dan heart scan di monitor
doctors admin iv adrenaline entah kali ke berapa
semua siap sedia
suasana kelam kabut,
tirai ditutup rapi
dengar tangisan keluarga diluar
sabar menanti
keputusan hari ini
iv adrenaline complete 9mg
cpr complete 3 cycles
hanya itu yg sempat aku toleh di board
doctor pronounce death
suram kelam,,
tunggu ECG sehingga dapat straight line
kemaskan patient sedikit,,
tirai dibuka
raungan teriak ahli keluarga
sebak sedih terkejut
semua staff keluar dari tirai
memberi ruang kpd ahli keluarga
atas kehilangan ayahanda tercinta
air mata keluar dari setiap dari kami
kepergian tak dijangka
keluarga diarah keluar
" bang, saya nak tolong?'
"masuk , pakai glove.."
dibuangnya intubated tube
off normal saline
dirapatkan kedua tangan
diikatnya kedua kaki
dibetulkan kepala
disumbat kapas ke hidung dan telinga
dibalutnya kain putih
sedekahkan al fatihah dari dalam hati
beruap kaca mata
berhingus ditutup face mask
teringat ayah dan mak dirumah
jika ini terjadi pada mereka
tabahkah aku utk lalui
tabahkah aku utk hadapi
hari hari tanpa mereka lagi
disiapkan jenazah tadi
dijemput satu persatu ahli keluarga yg menanti
tak habis air mata menitik dipipi
" terima kasih , doctor
terima kasih , semua "
kata waris kepada kami
sungguh mati itu sangat sangat pasti
melihat jenazah yg sejuk
mata tertutup
tiada lagi nadi
tak sampai 2 jam kehadiran di kecemasan
dia pergi
berita sedih dan pengajaran utk diri ini
sekarang kita sihat
mana tahu seminit dua
selepas menaip tulisan yg tak seberapa ini
jari jemari ini keras
mungkin aku pergi juga
kerana mati itu bila bila masa
penginsafan diri
hari ini
sehari di zone merah
maksud tersirat disebalik sebuah pendakian yana membawa kita ke satu tahap yg mengajar erti suka duka juga mengenal Kamu yang berada di Atas sana


Broga Hills 110415 checked 

Arrived at the peak at 6.30am something, what a view.

second peak of Broga hills

with this friends, yet we are classmates who are seldom be together yet this close us up

jadi nya, bawa abam dslr kesana sini, mengambil gmbar aja .
minat ini minat gua.

terima kasih Allah kerana beri peluang ini
terima kasih rakan2 yg menghargai kehadiran gua
terima kasih broga kerana memberi sesuatu dibawa balik

thanks alhamdulillah masih sihat wal alfiat smpai ke sini

Monday 30 March 2015

Aku penasihat paling hebat di mata semua
Mana tidak nya, pasti ada saja yang ingin aku dengarkan permasalahan mereka
Aku ikot kan aja,  aku kan penasihat setia

Ada yang berterima kasih kerana telah melepaskan emosi nya
Ada yang siap cc di facebook dan media sosial
Ya, aku kan penasihat setia

Satu aku tak pasti
Aku kurang nasihatkan diri sendiri
Aku masih lagi di takat setaraf mereka
Menginginkan penasihat yang setia 
Mendengar cerita aku

Satu aku tak pasti
Jika aku menasihati diri sendiri
Adakah diskriminasi akan berlaku
Negativiti melawan positiviti 

Aku kan penasihat setia
Belajar dari Dia
Mana mungkin lupa
Aku tetap ada yang di atas Sana 
Pendengar setia aku
Yang Maha Pendengar

p/s: aku suka mendengar cerita dan bikin cerita lagi power, tapi jangan lupa kita semua ada Dia 

30 march 2015 2304am

Kau rasa la kan, bila mana kau rasa crush kau dgn sang lelaki tu dah lama
Itu cinta ke gila bayang?

Tak, aku cuba bezakan ja
Kau jangan salah faham

Crush itu boleh tiga empat lima dalam masa sehari
Tapi kalau dah sampai kau crush dekat sang lelaki sampai bertahun

Mungkin kau boleh tukar title sang lelaki itu dari crush kpd KGB
Kau Gila Bayang

Tak, ni aku Tanya tapi aku jawapan
Kau maafkan lah orang gila bayang ini ya

 garapan TulisanLesungPipit


Wednesday 25 March 2015

Little People with a Big Heart of Hot Air Balloon 

Assalamualaikum hai,,

orang bijak pandai berkata

"I cannot even imagine where I would be today were it not for that handful of friends who have given me a heart full of joy. Let's face it, friends make life a lot more fun."

dan juga

Friendship... is not something you learn in school. But if you haven't learned the meaning of friendship, you really haven't learned anything."

dan lastly 

Our most intimate friend is not he to whom we show the worst, but the best of our nature."

Berdasarkan apa yg diulas bijakpandai, inilah friendships saya bersama rakan rakan Kolej Matrikulasi Selangor 2011-2012 , masih bersama sehingga ke alam universiti.

Kami bertiga sahaja yg berdarah ungu..

we are at 7th International Putrajaya Hot Air Balloon 2015 
kautsar dan aisyah are the one yg you boleh back to nature, means segala baik buruk perangai kita dan mereka terima, so do me .. :)

Walaupun pandangan kami terhadap politik malaysia sangat bercanggah antara satu sama lain tapi kami ttp bestie, yang penting idola kami sama iaitu Tun Dr Mahathir Bin Mohamad.

dongak ke atas
lihat mana panasnya
sampai bila
pasti hujan akan turun
ahh,,bersahaja, angkat kening
jangan takut
hujan pasti turun

orang bijak pandai ini nak berkata pula :

tiada yang sempurna didunia
kau siapa nak menghukum mereka
teruskan kehidupan kau
cari identiti 

endah yang lain punya cerita
ahhh , kental la

peace assalam alaik